Whereas Clauses. WHEREAS, economic losses due to injury on agricultural crops brought about by plant pests have become increasingly significant;

WHEREAS, the prevention of introduction, incursion, establishment and subsequent spread of plant pests by regulating the international and domestic movements of plants and plant products, is considered more practical and economical than any other method of plant pest control;

WHEREAS, modern means of transportation and handling of imports and exports have favored the expeditious and extensive movements of plants and plant products, thereby, increasing the risk of plant pest introduction and/or incursion;

WHEREAS, plant quarantine is basically and essentially a preventive measure, it being the actual frontline defense against the introduction or incursion into the country of plant pests which are destructive to our agricultural crops;

WHEREAS, some of the provisions of Act No. 3027 dated March 8, 1922, entitled, "An Act To Protect The Agricultural Industries Of The Philippine Islands From Injurious Plant Pests And Diseases Existing In Foreign Countries And Further To Regulate The Domestic Movement Of The Plant Materials In Order To Minimize The Injury From Pests And Diseases Already Introduced." And Act No. 3767, dated November 26, 1930, entitled "An Act Regulating The Importation, Bringing Or Introduction Into The Philippine Islands Of Living Animals, Such As Insects, Birds, Crustaceans, Bats, Mollusks, Reptiles, Mammals, And Other Animals, Not Falling Within The Scope Of The Term "domestic Animals" As Provided And Defined In Section Four Of Act Numbered Thirty-six Hundred And Thirty-nine, In Order To Protect The Agricultural Industries Of This Country, And For Other Purposes" are no longer relevant and applicable to the protection of plant industries of this country, and therefore, require urgent and immediate modification and updating;

WHEREAS, the Plant Quarantine rules and regulations of the Philippines must be compatible with those of other countries and with the provisions of the Food and Agriculture Organization - International Plant Protection Convention of the United Nations to which the Philippines is a signatory;

WHEREAS, the attainment of the foregoing objectives require the necessary improvement and strengthening of the Plant Quarantine Services of the Bureau of Plant Industry by providing adequate laws; regulations; resources and facilities; and incentives to Plant Quarantine Officers;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution do hereby decree and order the following: