Section 20. Auditing Units; Qualifications and Assignment of Heads. —
There shall be in each agency of the government an auditing unit which shall be provided by the audited agency with a suitable and sufficient office space together with supplies, equipment, furniture, and other necessary operating expenses for its proper maintenance, including expenses for travel and transportation.
The auditing unit shall be headed by an auditor assigned by the Commission who shall be a certified public accountant or a member of the Bar or a holder of a college degree in commerce or business administration, major in accounting.
The corresponding assignment orders issued by the Commission to such auditors and their support personnel holding core auditing positions shall be supplementary to their appointments which are without specification of station.
The Commission shall have the authority to make changes in such assignments and to effect a periodic reshuffle of heads of auditing units as well as their support personnel whenever the exigencies of the service so require. However, such changes and reshuffle shall not affect the tenure of office of the incumbents of the positions involved and shall not constitute a demotion or reduction in rank or salary, nor result in a change in status.