Section 2. Composition. —
There shall be a Board of Midwifery, hereinafter referred to as the Board, which shall be under the direct supervision of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). It shall be a collegial body composed of a chairman and four (4) members to be appointed by the President of the Philippines from among the recommendees of the Commissioner of the Professional Regulation Commission.
The Commission shall recommend three (3) registered midwives from the list submitted by the association of midwives; one (1) obstetrician from the list submitted by the association of obstetricians; and one (1) registered nurse-midwife from the list submitted by the association of midwives: Provided, That said associations are accredited in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 223: Provided, further, That the nominees submitted shall possess the appropriate qualifications prescribed in Section 3 hereof.